Free News Articles Home Uncategorized Backup Software Source Code Now for Sale – Licensees Can Now Enter Backup Utility Market as Easily as Possible Backup Software Source Code Now for Sale – Licensees Can Now Enter Backup Utility Market as Easily as Possible Author: EASEUS Software Dateline: New York City Robin Lehner Jersey , New York (NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.) | Wed, 29 Sep 2010
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “EASEUS Software today expanded their licensing offerings even further by adding a third product line. According to the company, software source code selling is a fast track to enter the lucrative data backup and security market. EASEUS Software is providing its highly-rated backup utility source code for sale so that more software developers can secure success in the next big wave.”
A R T I C L E:
EASEUS Software today expanded their licensing offerings even further by adding a third product line. According to the company, software source code selling is a fast track to enter the lucrative data backup and security market. EASEUS Software is providing its highly-rated backup utility source code for sale so that more software developers can secure success in the next big wave - now licensees can acquire the perfect backup and recovery software direct from the developer.
Software source code selling is getting more and more popular Olli Maatta Jersey , and it is well accepted by both start-ups and established companies. For start-ups, it takes time and energy to build one's own fame and brand. With software source code selling, they can enter a market as early as possible, grow market share and make more revenue. For established "grown" companies, software source code selling can facilitate the way to enter into a totally different field -- you do not need to develop all these utilities from scratch.
Software source code selling is offered all over the market. But as a pioneer in this field Brandon Saad Jersey , EASEUS takes their source code buyers as partners instead of clients. EASEUS not only offers perfect source code selling, but also helps to do research beforehand, helps with marketing, can even help to provide technical support and services. To the point, EASEUS wants to develop relationships with its source code buyers instead of a one-time business transaction.
Todo Backup is a reliable and easy-to-use backuprestore freeware that was launched by EASEUS a few years ago Artem Anisimov Jersey , and has been warmly received by its users. "With the amount of electronic data being generated faster than ever, the backup solutions market is growing as explosively. We are providing for sale our backup software source code so that hopefully more users can enjoy the benefit, and more players can enter into this market and extend their product line," said Mr. Liu of EASEUS.
He also said, "We welcome all kinds of communications from other backup software source code selling players Alex DeBrincat Jersey , since source code is our most unique intellectual property, we want to make the best use of it. We provide many other kinds of cooperation modes like rebranding, Software OEM, etcetera."
About CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Co., Ltd.
The company specializes in data recovery Brent Seabrook Jersey , partition manager and backup software for the MS Windows OS. Its major products are Data Recovery Wizard, Partition Table Doctor, EASEUS Partition Master and Todo Backup. For more information, please visit http:www.easeus .
• Story Title: Backup Software Source Code Now for Sale - Licensees Can Now Enter Backup Utility Market as Easily as Possible • REFERENCE KEYWORDSTERMS: software source code selling Patrick Kane Blackhawks Jersey , New York City, New York, EASEUS Todo Backup, Computing, Computing Corey Crawford Blackhawks Jersey , , NEW YORK CITY, N.Y..
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