Three Secrets of Staying Focused on Success Self Help Articles | October 17 Tony Gwynn Womens Jersey , 2007 It?s easy to say we?re going to do something, but how many of us actually follow through? Focus necessary if you want to become more successful. But it's not always easy to achieve. This article explains how you can stay on track to get what you truly want.
Have you ever had trouble staying focused? A lack of focus can best be described as a state of confusion, uncertainty, and impotency. When you aren't focused, you kind of drift aimlessly along Black Eric Hosmer Jersey , not really sure what you want to be doing, or how to do it even if you had a clue.
It's easy to set goals and form plans. It's easy to say we're going to do something, but how many of us actually follow through?
FOCUS is necessary if you want to become more successful at anything in life. What do I mean by focus? I mean being able to stay on track with your goals and the action steps that will help you achieve them.
In order to stay focused, you will need to be consistent with these 3 things:
1) Know where you are going
2) Know how to get there
3) Do whatever it takes to get there
Now do you see the importance of knowing what you want and forming a solid plan? Without those first two steps, staying focused would be nearly impossible.
The two biggest threats to your ability to focus are:
All of us have distractions in our lives. Whether they are external (other people Black Manny Machado Jersey , televisions, computer games, outside noises like sirens and traffic) or internal (negative thoughts, fear, confusion) - it is up to us to overcome them. Distractions can be aggravating for sure Black Wil Myers Jersey , but they can also serve as a convenient excuse to stop trying.
Do yourself a favor: be firm about minimizing distractions as you work on your goals. You may need to wear earplugs to shut out excessive noise, or have a talk with your family members and ask them to support you in your goals. You may need to decide to steadfastly ignore the critical voice in your head that utters messages of failure and doom. You may need to set a new schedule to allow yourself some quiet time each day.
Do whatever is necessary to take charge of your own success. Choose to become immune to distractions as much as possible. Remember, they become a problem ONLY when you allow them to take over.
Lack of commitment:
If you're not fully committed to your goal, you will find it much more difficult to stay focused. You'll be easily thrown off-track by self-sabotage, distractions and more. Without commitment Black Rollie Fingers Jersey , you simply won't put forth your best effort!
Right now, make a promise to yourself that you will do whatever is necessary to reach your goals. Vow to courageously face any challenges, take bigger risks, and believe in your ability to succeed.
Decide that no matter WHAT happens, you will keep moving forward Black Dave Winfield Jersey , keep learning and growing and developing yourself as a person. Vow that you will develop and hone a laser-sharp focus that never deviates.
With that type of attitude, you will become unstoppable!
Article Tags: Staying Focused
Stand at your back door or look out your back window. What's stopping you from going outdoors and enjoying the fresh air? In most cases, it's because you don't have decking. Adding decking is one of the most cost-effective ways to add floor space and value to your home.
Decking Materials
If the cost of decking materials or maintenance issues are holding you back from installing decking, knowing a little more about decking materials might change your mind. The three most popular types of materials are: Treated pine is one of the cheapest options. It is easy to work with and can be stained or painted. Hardwood decking is more expensive than treated pine, but a number of species are available Black Tony Gwynn Jersey , some of which are much less expensive than others. Composite decking is made from a mixture of timber fibre and plastic. It is made to look like timber and comes in a variety of natural timber and "paint" colours. Composite decking usually costs about the same as a mid-priced hardwood decking material, but has some advantages. While you have to stain and seal any kind of natural timber, there's nothing to do to composite decking after it's installed. For a comparison of natural and composite decking, read Timber Decking vs. Composite Decking.
With such dramatic price variations, the only way to get the best decking for the best price is to compare materials and get quotes from a variety of decking suppliers and builders. Using our Get Quotes service Eric Hosmer Jersey , you can easily get quotes from both timber decking and composite decking services.
If you're the DIY type and you're building a small, ground floor deck, you may not need council approval. Check with your local council first, though. Regulations vary and can depend on the cost of the project and other factors. If you want a second storey deck, for example Manny Machado Jersey , it will probably require a council building permit and professional installation.
*Cost and prices in this article are indicative and should only be used as a guide. They also vary locally and are subject to market forces.
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