Customers Not Clicks! Marketing Articles | November 26 Cheap Buffalo Sabres Jersey , 2001 I received an email recently from a fellow who ... excited about the hits he was getting at hisweb site. His claim was that he got over 70,000 hitseach month. "That's nearly ... hits pe
I received an email recently from a fellow who was extremely excited about the hits he was getting at his web site. His claim was that he got over 70,000 hits each month. "That's nearly 1 Colin Miller Jersey Youth ,000,000 hits per year" he proudly said, after being online only three months!
Here's what I thought: "This guy's got to be doing something right".
Sure Jimmy Vesey Jersey Youth , he was getting the hits. He had nearly every traffic-producing tool ever imagined. Here was the sites flaw. It didn't motivate. It contained nothing that would ever motivate a person to make a single purchase.
I sent him an email and asked how business was going. His reply was surprisingly candid. "I'm getting lots of traffic, but not making much money!"
The problem was in his approach to marketing. His aim - like that of so many other online entrepreneurs - was to attract clicks, not customers. The problem is that clicks don't make purchases - customers do!
How do you attract customers? Here are three indispensable steps that you MUST follow....
First you need to represent a product of true worth and value. If you can create you own product Marcus Johansson Jersey Youth , that's best. If that's not a possibility your next best bet is to represent another person high value product!
How do you determine the value of a product? Here is the first and greatest rule of thumb.
Do you use the product? If it is the latest and greatest herbal supplement, do you actually use it? If it is a book, have you read it? If it is a software program Brandon Montour Jersey Youth , do you use it?
Think about it! How can you really endorse the value of a product if you don't believe in it enough to own it and endorse it?
The next step is to think in terms of quality not volume. Pay close attention! The number of hits on your web site does not matter. What matters is the quality of those hits! You need to attract people who are interested in what you are selling. That's the central difference between a click and a customer.
We are care givers to both a dog and a cat. I love the dog. My wife loves the cat. Now if I have the best tasting new doggie bone ever developed, I wouldn't market it to cat lovers. I need to attract dog lovers. If you were selling a dog bone, wouldn't it be better to have 5000 dog lovers visit your site than 50 Rasmus Ristolainen Jersey Youth ,000 cat lovers?
There are dozens of techniques available for targeting traffic, especially via search engines and directories. Learning how to properly craft your title page and meta tags will certainly help. It will also be beneficial to purchase targeted traffic through some of the better "pay-per-click" services such as Goto.
There is one more piece of the puzzle that's missing. The Internet is filled with thousands of sites owned by webmasters who represent great products. Many of these webmasters have learned the fine art of targeting traffic. Nevertheless they are still not making many sales.
The problem is that their site just doesn't sell. As such, it is just wasted cyberspace. To succeed online you must learn how to write "CASH PRODUCING" text! You need to learn the art of writing a killer sales letter Conor Sheary Jersey Youth , geared toward the customers needs. Without this skill the best you can do is attract clicks. You'll never convert them into customers.
Follow the above steps, and you're already on your way! Often, time is an enemy of writers. Sales seem slow and checks too small. How does one make the most of their effort? Here are some tips that will multiply your sales.
1. Companies accepting manuscripts from freelancers offer copies of their writing guidelines and sample copies. Assume there's a reason for them. Study them. The Internet will save you much postage and time from when I started. Study their web sites as well. What do they tell you about the publication's readers?
2. Think ahead. Lead times for publication are rarely short. Writers' guidelines often teach Christmas is in July. Lead times can be shorter for the Internet. Learn what they are. Submit accordingly.
3. Take advantage of your research. Write more than one manuscript for the same effort. This adds to your productivity. Interviewing a camp director? Write a feature article on how to select a camp for more than one market. Write a filler article. Write an article on finding work at a camp.
4. Resell the same manuscript multiple times. My record for off-line publication with one manuscript is seventeen reprints. It is easy to surpass this on the web.
5. Resell to editors. Once you sell to a company Carter Hutton Jersey Youth , send another query or manuscript to its editor. Some companies may buy from you for each issue, others will buy only once every so many months. Learn what they want before you submit. Learn this from studying their publication before you query. If they like what you do, keep them happy.