What Does It Take To "Have It All" In Life? Business Articles | July 29 https://www.cheapvapormaxnikechina.com/ , 2004 You have permission to publish this article electronicallyor in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines areincluded. A courtesy copy of your publication would beappreciated - send to: John@TheS...
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: John@TheStreetKid
What Does It Take To "Have It All" In Life?
Many people have asked me why I wrote my book, 'The Street Kid's Guide to Having it All', and I realized that some people simply do not believe that it is possible to 'have it all'. Well, I am here as an ambassador to dispel that rumor once and for all.
If you are serious about learning what it takes cheap nike vapormax sale , then read on and I'll take you on a short journey.
Let's suppose that at some point in the past, for whatever reason, by whichever means, there was a big bang, or there was not. It doesn't really matter. All we know is somehow, our universe, solar system, galaxies cheap nike vapormax plus , planets and specifically our planet is here, and that's where I'll begin.
The number being thrown around right now is that our universe is at least 12.5 billion years old. (Not that I comprehend what that means). The reason for the prelude is to set the stage for some thought and greater understanding.
While you and I do what we do everyday, there are others who study what and how the universe is what it is, what the galaxies are and do, and even closer to home, what and how our planets do what they do. How this occurred is irrelevant at this point. It just is. After all, they (the planets and galaxies, that is) were all here before us cheap nike vapormax , we think.
Instead, I like to think of our universe and planet Earth as our 'playing field', and our body and mind as 'the vehicles' we have been given to play on the field. So here we are, on this field, and we now have two choices:
- One is to play on the field - Two is to be a spectator.
Either way, the game is on, and you must choose whether you are going to play or watch. If you have chosen to play, let me explain to you that that there are people who study the playing field every day. They have discovered very specific natural laws that govern our universe nike vapormax wholesale , galaxies and planet.
If you are a serious player, knowing these laws, and understanding them would have a serious impact on how well you play the game, don't you think?
There is one Great Law that suggests that everything we see and can't see, is made up of energy. There are also seven other major natural laws that work synergistically, and they allow the playing field to do what it does with such ease and perfection. Unfortunately, we have never been taught how to be in harmony with these laws.
It's time we raise our awareness and begin playing at a higher level...
Let's leave the laws alone for a moment, and discuss our body and mind.
For the most part cheap vapormax china , the physical body is easy to understand. We have studied it for over 6,000 years, and have learned a couple of tricks to keep it going faster and longer. We have five physical senses to help us decipher and understand the stimuli around us or on us.
The mind, however, is a little bit more complex. Scientists and theologians have discovered that we have six intellectual functions that are part of our conscious mind, and we also have three subconscious functions that assist us with much more complex issues and needs.
So here we are, playing the game, and I ask you this question cheap vapormax plus china , 'How well do you understand the basic natural laws of the playing field, and how well do you understand the functions of the body and mind?'
For many people the answer is the same. Not very well. The reason we do not know the answers, is because we have never been taught to look at the whole picture. Very few people have studied and understood how to connect the whole deal in a way that it is easy to understand and apply.
I will suggest that in order to 'Have it All', you must first understand the basics for making it possible. Look around you and observe the perfection and precision in everything. There are no accidents. It all operates by exact order. If you choose not to learn how all of it works, that is totally up to you. You are then choosing to play at a mediocre level, and not at the level you are capable of.
As I mentioned before, you make the decisions on whether to play or watch, and then cheap nike vapormax china , how well you want to play. Learning the playing field and how you function makes the game so much fun!
Not knowing the basic laws is like not understanding gravity. Not understanding yourself is like a pilot who doesn't know exactly how all her plane's instruments work. Would YOU get on that plane?
Even once we understand the playing field, and the optimum way to use our body and mind, we still need to learn the rules relating to the 5 different games being played...those games are called health, wealth, relationships, career, and spirituality.
The games are complex, especially if we aren't taught the rules nike vapormax china , angles and ways to win. Once again, if we choose to learn, the games become much more fun and easier to play.
I have invested over 20 years into this exact research and have discovered the fastest and simplest way to have what I want. My deepest desire is that you discover a few things to make your journey outstanding.