Why You Should Choose a Luxury Safari Travel Articles | June 30 Women's N'Keal Harry Jersey , 2011 It would be hard to argue against the fact that any type of African safari can provide one of the most captivating, transforming travel experiences anyone could undertake. But with the large number of safari packages offered at vastly different prices it can often be difficult to know which one to choose.
There are, however, very good reasons why you should choose a luxury safari. They are more expensive than basic packages, but they offer better value because you get more for your money. Here are some of the reasons why. Attention To DetailsLuxury safari companies pride themselves on structuring packages that not only meet, but exceed all expectations. From the time you make your reservations to the time you return home Women's Jarrett Stidham Jersey , luxury companies will go out of their way to assure that your dream vacation comes true. Need a particular wine in your room for a special occasion? Just ask before you arrive. In most cases the request will be fulfilled. Like any 5 star operation, the staff to guest ratio is high, the rooms are accented with well-appointed amenities, the beds are spacious and all staff members are focused on quality customer service. The Best Guides and TrackersThe primary reason people go on a safari is to enjoy the thrills of having close-up encounters with wild animals. Assuring this in a rugged, expansive country requires staff that are true professionals in their field. Luxury safari companies employ the best educated and most experienced guides and trackers available. This better assures your chances of seeing as many wild animals as possible while also enjoying clear explanations about the plants, birds and animal spoors encountered along the way. Better Field VehiclesWhen out in the countryside Women's Sony Michel Jersey , you want to be able to spot and take photographs of animals quickly without obstructed views. This can often be difficult in vehicles used by basic package companies because passengers are seated three or more abreast. In contrast, luxury companies use vehicles that seat passengers two abreast, thus helping to assure better views and wider fields of vision. Luxury vehicles can also include additional amenities like free binoculars and bean bags for supporting a telephoto lens. Prime LocationsThe biggest difference between basic and luxury safaris is all about location. Luxury safari companies are usually located on private reserves. This provides a distinct advantage for you to see more animals, enjoy more peaceful surroundings and not be constantly surrounded by other safari groups. Most basic safaris are limited to national park areas, which means they cannot leave the paved or gravel roads. On private reserves, field vehicles are allowed to access remote Women's Stephon Gilmore Jersey , off-the-road areas that provide guests with a more immersed wild experience. Superior Food and BeveragesBasic safari packages normally offer their guests the same basic meals with very little variety in beverages choices. This is definitely not so with luxury safaris. They pride themselves on offering a wide variety of gourmet-level meal choices, fine wines and top-shelf liquors. Article Tags: Should Choose, Luxury Safari, Safari Companies
When more than half of Americans were identified as overweight, people took notice. Major news outlets began educating on how to stay out, or get out Women's Tom Brady Jersey , of that statistic. I wish the same attention had been paid when the Conference Board released their statistics saying half of Americans are satisfied with their job.
Of course, that means, half are dissatisfied. Disliking your job is hazardous to your health and well-being, too. You can't be winning at working if you're dissatisfied with your work or languishing in the status-quo of dislike.
Spending the majority of your waking hours dissatisfied, like being overweight, weighs you down Women's Julian Edelman Jersey , depletes your energy, and kidnaps your spirit. You can change all that. And looking for a new job should not be where you start. At least not yet.
First consider what is causing your dissatisfaction. Maybe it's that annoying coworker or irritating boss that's holding you back. Maybe if you only made more money. Maybe the work's boring or the company's unfair. Whatever your reasons, pause your thinking and go to step two: look deeper. More than likely what's at the root of your dissatisfaction is your own doubts, fears, and insecurities.
You see, too often we become victims in our own life. We blame McDonald's for having French fries that make us fat Jake Bailey Jersey , and blame bosses who give us substandard raises. When in fact, we control whether the French fries gets purchased and put in our mouth, or we do the quality of work that meets the performance standards for a higher raise. It's a choice. And choices bring accountability. It's easier to believe you're a victim of circumstances than a driver of your own future. But, this easier choice comes at a price: dissatisfaction.
The harder choice comes with a price too: personal accountability. That means when you're running an obstacle course and discover you're the obstacle, you correct your thinking, enhance your skills Hjalte Froholdt Jersey , and persist through your fears. It means, if you don't get the raise, the promotion, or the more interesting ferent names, of course) waiting for you in the new job.