There are numerous reasons why you can experience swollen gums around teeth. The top cause is gum disease cheap nike air max 2019 womens uk , but there are some other contributing factors as well. If you notice a swollen gum around tooth your surest bet is to see your dental practitioner as soon as you possibly can. This way you can treat the condition before it spirals out of control and becomes worse. In some cases it just may be something minor, and in other cases something far more serious.
Swollen Gums Around Teeth Could be From Irritation Our gums are very tender and delicate and they can be easily irritated which can cause swollen gums around teeth. Eating spicy foods, for example, can cause swollen gums around teeth because they can become inflamed and swell as a result.
Drinking caffeinated beverages or alcoholic beverages, eating hot or cold foods cheap nike air max 2019 shoes uk , or foods that you are allergic to, or even being sick are all contributors to swollen gums around teeth.
Swollen Gum Around Tooth Can Be From Gum Infection A top cause of swollen gums around tooth is from the infection of the gums. Generally this is related to various types of gum diseases, which are in essence an infection of the gums.
However, swollen gum around tooth can also mean that the gums are infected from a tooth being infected. The best way to know for sure is by being examined at your dentist’s office and getting an expert diagnoses as to why you have swollen gums around tooth.
Swollen Gum Around Teeth Can Be a Sign of Gum Disease Did you know that experts estimate that more than seventy percent of all people worldwide suffer from some form of a gum disease. That’s a lot of people when you do the math.
Gum disease can cause swollen gums around teeth because they are infected and combating bacteria that are contributing to the disease itself. The gums will become swollen with pockets of bacteria, and if left untreated could result in tooth loss cheap nike air max 2019 wholesale uk , receding gum lines or other serious Dental Diseases.
Swollen Gums Around Tooth Can Mean There’s an Infected Tooth An infected tooth can cause much trouble, pain and overall discomfort for the sufferer. When a tooth becomes infected it most often is due to decay or repeated dental procedures on that tooth. Generally the root becomes inflamed and the nerve becomes infected or irritated.
When the infection infects the canals of the roots, it does not have anywhere else to go but to the gums. This is a leading cause of Swollen Gum Around Teeth. If you suffer from or noticed a swollen gum around tooth, it’s best to see your dentist as soon as possible so you can diagnose your condition and seek effective treatment.
In the United States alone, there are over 40 Million people who struggle with acne. Many of these people treat acne using chemicals such as antibiotics cheap nike air max 2019 uk , prescription drugs, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid.
However, there is a growing number of people who choose herbal acne treatments over traditional medications. Usually, herbal medications have far fewer side effects , and are not as dangerous as some of the prescription drugs.
The problem however, is that the United States does very little to regulate the herbal supplement industry. Unlike traditional chemical medications, herbal medications are not required to be clinically proven to work, or even to be safe. An example of this lack of regulation recently came to light with ephedra related deaths, and ephedras subsequent ban.
This lack of regulation results in many different acne products on the market. All of which claim to heal cheap nike air max 2019 outlet , prevent, or even cure acne with few, if any, side effects.
The truth is, there are very few herbal acne treatments that are scientifically proven to work. Traditional chemical treatments are still the most effective in stopping acne.
There are only 2 herbal treatments that have been clinically proven to help stop acne cheap nike air max 2019 free shipping , tea tree oil and green tea cream.
Tea tree oil is a natural oil, derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia, a particular type of tea tree found exclusively in Australia. While it has been used from hundreds of years by the native aboriginals as a treatment for just about anything, it has only recently been accepted by modern medicine as being a viable anti-bacterial agent.
Even though tea tree oil has been suspected as an anti-bacterial agent for some time, A groundbreakings study was conducted in 1990 by I.B. Bassett cheap nike air max 2019 sale , which compared tea tree oil to benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne. It was found that tea tree oil is as effective as a 5% benzoyl peroxide solution. It takes longer (6 weeks) for the tea tree oil to be as effective, but participants in the study reported none of the side effects associated with benzoyl peroxide, such as redness, skin irritation, or dry skin.
This study has helped tea tree oil become a recognized and legitimate herbal acne treatment. However cheap nike air max 2019 online , there is no need to purchase an expensive cream that contains tea tree oil. Just applying several drops of the oil directly on the acne has shown to be the most effective way to apply tea tree oil.
This was the only herbal acne treatment that had been proven to work until recently, when Dr. Jennifer Gan-Wong conducted a study that shows green tea can also effectively fight acne.
Dr. Gan-Wong compared a green tea cream with 3% green tea, to a 4% benzoyl peroxide solution, and found that the results in treating acne where the same for both the tea and the peroxide. These results were recently presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.
These findings are relatively recent, and are not yet corroborated by additional independent studies. However cheap nike air max 2019 trainers , this evidence does demonstrate that the natural anti-bacterial properties of green tea can be effective to treat acne.